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Restylane® SkinboostersTM for the improvement of skin quality Results of a consensus meeting

Keywords | Summary | Correspondence | References





Restylane® Skinboosters™ are outstandingly suitable for deep hydration of the skin, and their effect is long-term and safe. Natural treatment results fulfil the needs of the patients and increase the patient-practitioner relation. In the new guidelines on the optimal application of Restylane® Skinboosters™ Vital Light and Vital the indications, application intervals, injection technique and compliance are addressed in detail. Furthermore, illustrated application recommendations (e.g. injection amount, technique, points and volumes) for different target groups and treatment areas such as face, décolleté and hands will provide the practitioner security in handling Restylane® Skinboosters™.


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Address of Correspondence

Conflict of Interests

The consensus meeting was supported by Galderma Laboratorium GmbH (Düsseldorf, Germany).


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