Rachael Eckel
Diseases of pigmentation: effective treatment options with ZO® Medical
Keywords | Summary | Correspondence | References
Brightenex™, hydroquinone., Melamin™, Melamix™, Pigmentation, retinoic acid
BrightenexTM, Hydrochinon., MelaminTM, MelamixTM, Pigmentierung, Retinolsäure
Pigmentation disorders are becoming increasingly prevalent, and the triggers behind these states are numerous. For treatment, the clinician should create a comprehensive topical skin care regime that minimizes all of the recognized precipitants of melanogenesis. Hydroquinone is a product that has long been the gold standard for treatment and maintenance of pigmentation diseases. Its use however is limited when independently prescribed. Furthermore, the rise in side effects from hydroquinone misuse is alarming, and begs for an effective alternative product, especially during maintenance. BrightenexTM is a novel, dynamic formulation that can be used in a myriad of ways to prevent, treat and maintain pigmentation. Its breakthrough role as a melanocyte stabilizing agent makes it particularly appealing, as does its powerful 'blending' capabilities. a detailed comparison is made between these two agents, and suggestions provided on how to create a comprehensive topical regime for the successful treatment of conditions of pigmentation.
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Address of Correspondence
Rachael Eckel, M.D.
''7 Antigua Drive, Federation Park
Port of Spain
Trinidad W.I.
Conflict of Interests