
Clinical efficacy and safety of Nd-YAG laser in hair reduction

Keywords | Summary | Correspondence | References


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Background: Laser has become popular means of achieving hair reduction with improved quality of life. Meanwhile, different types of lasers show different clinical efficacy and safety according to the characteristic wavelength for each device and skin types of persons. Laser devices incorporating higher wavelengths have been developed to improve hair removal on dark skin, such as 1064 nm Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Nd: YAG) laser. They not only provide deeper light penetration for targeting deeply located follicles but also allow for higher fluences to be used since absorption by melanin decreases when wavelength is increased and therefore the skin is heated less. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of long-pulsed Nd: YAG laser on hair reduction. Methods: This study was carried out on 20 adult women who seek axillary hair reduction. These subjects were adjusted to receive 5 laser sessions with a 1- month interval. Clinical evaluation was done at 1 month after last session with detection of side effects of laser. Results: As regards Fitzpatrick skin type, 8 subjects (40%) were skin type III and 12 subjects (60%) were skin type IV. The hair count showed significant reduction (P<0.001) with hair reduction percentage of 64.3%. Regarding the side effects, there was significant pain during the procedure and encountered in 60% of cases. Conclusion: 1064-nm long pulsed Nd:YAG laser is safe and effective in hair reduction.


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Address of Correspondence

Wael Hosam Abdelrazek, MD
Dept. of Dermatology, STDs, and Andrology
Faculty of Medicine
Minia University
30, Adly Yakan Street
Minia, Egypt

Conflict of Interests

None declared.


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