
The Rejuvenation Index© An Algorithm for Photo-documentation and “No Fault Indemnity”

Keywords | Summary | Correspondence | References


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Clinical governance in Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery is in its infancy and patient safety has been the subject of much debate and impending legislation. It is important that the Industry is seen to act in the best interests of patient safety. A mathematical algorithm is described for the standardisation of assessment of photo-documentation in aesthetic medicine and surgery therapies. This is presented as a mechanism for transparency and best practice in the Cosmetic Industry. It will improve the image of the Industry and enhance safety for patients and the clinics which are charged with their care. The adoption of these new tools for clinical audit make best practice a reality and have the potential to regenerate the industry.


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Address of Correspondence

The European University College, Dubai
PO Box 53382 Dubai UAE
Dr. Ninian Peckitt
Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon / Facial Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Nicolas & Asp Center
446 Jumeira Beach Road, Dubai

Conflict of Interests



1. Key Note Media Centre Press Releases “Number of cosmetic surgery procedures carried out in the UK on the rise, but consumers more selective”. Keynote.co.uk. published: 03-06-2011.
2. Treatments you can Trust. http://injectable.treatmentsyoucantrust.net/index.html.
3. Clinical Governance and Audit http://www.gmc-uk.org/standards.
4. Helweg Larsen et al. Clinical relevance of histological grading of cancer of the larynx. Acta Pathologica Et Microbiologica Scandinavia 197886: 499-504.
5. Peckitt N.S. Cosmetic Reassurance – A New Indemnity System for Cosmetic Medicine. European Convention on Antiageing Medicine Paris 2006.



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