Introduction Mycosis fungoides is the most prevalent type of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. The skin lesions can be very itchy and may include scaly thin red patches, raised thick plaques and […]
Uwe Wollina, Nadine Schmidt, Diana Mühle, Gesina Hansel Introduction Neurodermatitis is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis from the group of atopic diseases. Essential pathophysiological aspects are the disturbance of the skin […]
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It was a great pleasure to be invited by Dr. Ines Verner to take part in the above mentioned Masterclass in Tel Aviv. On behalf of the Israel Society of […]
Cynosure, Inc. (NASDAQ: CYNO) today announced that President and CEO Michael Davin, along with other members of the Company’s management team, will ring the Closing Bell at the NASDAQ Stock […]
On September 9, an extension to the main building of Asclepion Laser Technologies GmbH was inaugurated and the usable floor space almost doubled by a further 2,500 m2 during a […]
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