transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty
The PicoStar Laser for Removal of Tattoos, Pigmented Lesions and Permanent Makeup
Tattoos have increased tremendously in popularity – a phenomenon that can be seen across the world. In France alone, the number of tattooists has increased ten-fold within a decade. Twenty […]
Interview with Univ-Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Michalsen:
Nutrition and fasting as key to successful prevention Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Michalsen, head physician of the Department of Naturopathy at the Immanuel Hospital Berlin, professor at the Charité […]
Cynosure Receives Approval to Market SculpSure® in South Korea
“MFDS approval of SculpSure is another major step in our international growth strategy for this breakthrough non-invasive fat-reduction treatment,” said Cynosure President and Chief Executive Officer Michael Davin. “As one […]