sexual satisfaction
Weekly Fish Consumption Linked to Better Sleep, Higher IQ
Children who eat fish at least once a week sleep better and have IQ scores that are 4 points higher, on average, than those who consume fish less frequently or […]
Sublime and Sublative applications for comprehensive facial rejuvenation
Interview with Dermatologist Dr. Ines Verner* * Dr. Ines Verner is President of the Israel Society of Dermatologic Surgery and is owner of the Ines Verner Clinic of Dermatology and […]
7th Annual Meeting World Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Aug. 30th. – Sep. 1st 2018
Tuesday, August 28th 8:30am – 6:00pm Pre-Conference Cosmetic Breast Surgery Live-Hands-on Workshop This live surgery workshop will cover Anatomy, surgical techniques and challenging cases in theory and in […]