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Zahlreiche Behandlungsoptionen sind in der Therapie des Melasmas untersucht, jedoch ist kein hiervon hundertprozentig wirksam. Alternative Therapieverfahren haben sich zu einer wichtigen Option der Medizin entwickelt.
In our dermatology practice we use increasingly cross-linked fillers in men, such as Z FILL Deep2 for regenerative augmentation. On behalf of a 47 year old man, the approach and […]
Egyptian Blue is one of the oldest artificially produced color pigments. It adorns for example the crown of the world-famous bust of Nefertiti. But the pigment can do even more. […]
CUTERA, INC., (Nasdaq:CUTR) (“Cutera” or the “Company”) a leading provider of laser, light and other energy-based aesthetic systems for practitioners worldwide, announces the opening of its new office and training […]
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