Introduction Melasma affects all ethnicities and genders but is more prevalent in women with darker skin types [1]. While dermatological aesthetic laser applications in European dermatology practices tend to focus […]
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Zahlreiche Behandlungsoptionen sind in der Therapie des Melasmas untersucht, jedoch ist kein hiervon hundertprozentig wirksam. Alternative Therapieverfahren haben sich zu einer wichtigen Option der Medizin entwickelt.
Almirall S.A., the global pharmaceutical company based in Barcelona, and Bicosome, a start-up company that develops and commercializes high performance cosmetic and dermopharmaceutical ingredients, announced that they have entered into […]
* Lunch symposium “The lower third of the face – treatment challenges and optimal product selection (hyaluron-filler)” at the 50th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and […]
Asclepion Laser Technologies offers different technologies for a multitude of aesthetic and medical treatments. With new products and follow up models of almost legendary systems like the MCL29 Dermablate, RubyStar, […]
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