With a fractionated, non-ablative 1,927 nm thulium laser (LaseMD, Lutronic), a novel system with promising application possibilities is available in the medical and cosmetic field. In addition to applications in […]
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INTRODUCTION Smooth muscle hamartoma (SMH) is derived from benign proliferation of smooth muscle bundles in the dermis [1]. It usually presents at birth or shortly thereafter. However, acquired lesions have also been reported, […]
„We are pleased to complete our acquisition of Cynosure, and look forward to working with Michael Davin and the entire Cynosure team to achieve even greater success in the large, rapidly growing medical […]
Treatment options and combination therapy in everyday practice Hyperpigmentation plays a major role in the daily routine of dermatologists. Solar radiation, stress and various noxae are regarded as triggers for […]
With the concept „THE ASCLEPION EFFECT“ Asclepion Laser Technologies aims to communicate to the users the advatages of laser technology „Made in Germany“ and to increase the well being of […]
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