Introduction Today, more and more people are striving to realize [4, 14] in their own life the motto: “everything in a human being should be perfect” [15]. Mostly, we […]
Introduction The ideal female face is perceived as delicate, smoothly contoured & oval shaped. A square jawline seen more commonly in Asians, widens the lower face and is considered masculine […]
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Egyptian Blue is one of the oldest artificially produced color pigments. It adorns for example the crown of the world-famous bust of Nefertiti. But the pigment can do even more. […]
Düsseldorf, Germany– BASF now offers 145 ingredients for personal and home care products which have been certified to the international halal standard HAS 23000: Along the entire value chain, strict […]
Brown fat consumes energy, which is the reason why it could be important for preventing obesity and diabetes. Working together with an international team, researchers at the Technical University of […]
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