Redaelli A, Saromytskaya A, Rowland Payne C et al (2017) International expert consensus on the use of AboBotulinum Toxin A (AboTA) for facial rejuvenation and primary hyperhidrosis. CosMed 3(2): 70 – […]
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Researchers at the University of Bonn and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich have decoded a new mechanism of how the immune system can specifically attack pigmented cells of the skin. It […]
When treating fat cells with cold it depends on the technique: The two leading suppliers in the German-speaking countries rely on certified medical technology. But what are the differences between […]
Brown fat consumes energy, which is the reason why it could be important for preventing obesity and diabetes. Working together with an international team, researchers at the Technical University of […]
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