Case Study
Uwe Wollina
Thread Lifts and Weight Loss: Increased Risk of Unwanted Viability of Threads
Keywords | Summary | Correspondence | References
facial rejuvenation, minimal invasive techniques, threads, viability, weight loss
Facial thread lifts have become more popular in recent times. The durability of the rejuvenation effect is about 6 – 12 months on average. In the hands of the experienced user, the technique is quite safe. Careful, selection of patients is mandatory. More adverse events are seen with non-absorbable vs. absorbable threads. Elderly patients bear a higher risk of adverse events. Patients who are on diet for weight loss are not ideal candidates because viability of threads can easily develop.
Facial anatomy is characterized by multilayered composition from bones to epidermis. During ageing, all components of facial tissues can become compromised. Soft tissue
retaining ligaments as local reinforcements providing support against gravitational sagging are critical structures in facial ageing. The retaining ligaments also provide some mobility of the different tissue layers which can be used in minimal invasive lifting techniques like facial fillers or thread lifts. These lifts are performed without surgical release limiting the effect.
Nevertheless, facial thread lists have become more popular in recent time. There are different thread products on the market characterized by material, barb shape, microstructure, elasticity, and strength. They can be classified into absorbable and non-absorbable threads. Histologically, there is an increased production of collagen due to induced fibrosis around the threads [1].
Adverse events
Numerous techniques for facial applications of lifting threads have been developed in the last 25 years. The anti-gravitational effect is lasting in most studies about six months to one year. In a meta-analysis of adverse events after facial thread lifting temporary swelling was the most common with an incidence of 35%. Other adverse events were skin dimpling (10%), paresthesia (6%), thread visibility or palpability (4%), infection (2%), and thread extrusion (2%).
Non-absorbable threads and patient age above 50 years increased the rate of adverse events compared to absorbable threads and younger patients [2]. Another Chinese study listed the following adverse events: skin dimpling (40.5%), contour irregularity (16.8%), visible threads (16.3%), thread extrusion (5.3%), infection (8.9%), swelling (4.7%), incomplete facial paralysis (2.6%), hyperpigmentation (2.1%), hematoma (2.1%), and allergy (0.05%) [3].
On the other hand, threads have limited impact on volumetric loss during ageing. Therefore, often combined procedures with adjunct fat transfer or filler placement are used [4, 5].
Viability of threads can be due to poor technique (procedural error) but also after of weight loss of the patient. We demonstrate a patient with only 6 kg weight loss. However, subcutaneous adipose tissue on the cheeks seems to be more sensitive to weight loss than subcutaneous adipose tissue on trunk and buttocks. Viability of threads is often more pronounced by facial expressions (Fig. 1 and 2).
The disadvantage of facial thread lifting techniques is the disruption of anti-gravitational, supportive orientation of the retaining ligaments. Placing the weight of soft tissue solely on the fixation limits longevity of the lift [6]. This could alter the mobility of the upper soft tissue layers, leading to fine lines in the untreated neighboring areas.
The tissue tightening by threads is superior to volumizing in contrast to dermal fillers which work three-dimensional. Aesthetic improvement over time of durability of rejuvenating effect is not superior to facial fillers [7]. Bioactive facial fillers may volumized up to two years. If the patients is a candidate for a later surgical face lifting the surgery could be somewhat compromised by previous minimal invasive techniques such as facial threads.
Facial thread lifting has become part of the minimal invasive procedures in facial rejuvenation. In the hand of the experienced user, the procedure is quite safe, and the down time is minimal. Patient selection is critical for a successful thread lift. If the patient is on diet for a controlled weight loss, facial threads are not recommended to avoid thread visibility. Although viability is no serious medical complication, aesthetically it is significant and counteracts the therapeutic goal.
Address of Correspondence Uwe Wollina
Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology
Municipal Hospital Dresden
Academic Teaching Hospital
DE-01067 Dresden
1. Cao L, Qiu H, Yu D, Shuo L, Wang H. Comparison of different thread products for facial rejuvenation: Materials and barb designs. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2023;22(7):1988-1994.
2. Niu Z, Zhang K, Yao W, Li Y, Jiang W, Zhang Q, Troulis MJ, August M, Chen Y, Han Y. A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the Incidences of Complications Following Facial Thread-Lifting. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2021;45(5):2148-2158.
3. Li YL, Li ZH, Chen XY, Xing WS, Hu JT. Facial thread lifting complications in China: analysis and treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021;9(9):e3820.
4. Kim CH. Evaluating the compartment-specific effects in superficial facial fat compartments after thread-lifts by the tensiometer and FACE-Q. Aesthet Surg J Open Forum. 2022;4:ojac065.
5. Rezaee Khiabanloo S, Nabie R, Aalipour E. Effectiveness of jawline, jaw angle, and marionette lines correction in combination with double needles threads (APTOS) and a collagen-stimulating dermal filler (ELLANSE): An innovative technique. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2022;21(10):4727-4734.
6. Minelli L, Brown CP, van der Lei B, Mendelson B. Anatomy of the facial glideplanes, deep plane spaces and ligaments: implications for surgical and non-surgical lifting procedures. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2023; doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000011078.
Epub ahead of print.
7. Gülbitti HA, Colebunders B, Pirayesh A, Bertossi D, van der Lei B. Thread-lift sutures: still in the lift? A systematic review of the literature. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;141(3):341e-347e.