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Case-Library Aesthetic Medicine



Case based learning in a community constitutes the basis for rapid practice oriented continuing education and supports the systematic improvement of treatment quality. Medical societies and other institutions support the set-up of the new Case-Library.

Our goal is the scientific and quick implementation of innovative concepts of therapy for day-to-day practice, improving qualitative patient care. communal learning on behalf of practical cases increases the individual motivation and the echange of information and ideas between collueges. Those are factors, that increase the dynamic and sustainability of communities of practice.

The CARE-guidelines based case studies offer case based continuing education:
  • Practical and validated
  • Group dynamic learning processes
  • Motivating impartation of knowledge
  • Optional tutorial feedback
  • Individual learning rythm
  • Improvement of patient safety
  • Improvement of treatment qualityCase-Library responsive














Practical learning – from case to case

With the easy structure all participants get a fast and easy access. The case-library is found on the onlien platform of Cosmetic Medicine.

1. Finding the case reports easily

With the easy search via treatment regions or key words in the query, you will be guided to the particular case report. To the case reports>

2. From colleagues for colleagues

Participate and learn from colleagues, or present your own cases – and bolster the cooperative.

3. Easy online registrationCase erfassung web

With the online form the submission of your case report is simple. To the online form>

4. CME–Points

Some case reports will be reprocessed as certified continuing education in combination with online webinars.


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Besuchen Sie die Acadethica Case-Library und lassen Sie Kollegen von Ihren Erfahrungen profi tieren. Einen Nutzerzugang für den geschützten Fachbereich können Sie gerne kostenlos beantragen

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