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In the middle of the last century still as a stigma of sailors, criminals or fringe groups verschrannt, tattoos are now an integral part of fashion and pop culture. In […]
Even though the propagated superiority of picoseconds over nanosecond lasers is still controversially discussed due to the inconsistent data situation, there is now an increasing number of controlled studies and […]
Merck, a leading science and technology company, today announced the initiation of a global Phase III clinical study of MSB11022, a proposed biosimilar of adalimumab, in chronic plaque psoriasis. This […]
Düsseldorf, Germany– BASF now offers 145 ingredients for personal and home care products which have been certified to the international halal standard HAS 23000: Along the entire value chain, strict […]
Wolfram Sterry was born on March 5, 1949 in Marbach am Neckar. After graduating from high school in 1968, he did his military service in the German Armed Forces and […]
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