Case Study

Application report Muscle building and toning with Focused Magnetic Stimulation (FMS)

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Background: The BodyLab is a body sculpting system that uses innovative FMS (Focused Magnetic Stimulation) technology. The patient's muscles are stimulated with supramaximal contractions (up to 2.5 Tesla), which stimulates metabolism and leads to significant fat loss. The goal of supramaximal muscle stimulation is to improve muscle tone and elicit a strong metabolic response, which in turn stimulates fat loss. Objective: To gain clinical experience under real-life conditions, an application observation was initiated. Material and Methods: The subject received a total of 8 treatments with a program duration of approximately 30 minutes each, 3 - 5 days apart, using the 2 BodyLab applicators placed on the abdomen. Results: After completion of the 8 treatments and a period of exactly 4 weeks, the reduction in abdominal circumference was 4 cm (initial measurement 86 cm, end 82 cm). Her weight changed insignificantly throughout the period and was finally found to be 64.5 kg, which is approximately the same as the initial value of 64.3 kg. Conclusions: Weight changed only insignificantly throughout the period and was finally found to be 64.5 kg, which is about the same as the initial value of 64.3 kg. It can be assumed here that the reduced abdominal circumference is not due to a reduction in body weight (e.g. due to dieting or as a function of the menstrual cycle) but to a decrease in adipose tissue. This could also be perceived visually.



Body sculpting using “Focused Magnetic Stimulation” (FMS or HIFEM “High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic”) is an innovative technology for a non-invasive body lift, which can be achieved through the tightening and growth of muscles and a reduction of fat cells.


We had the opportunity to gain experience with this technology within the framework of an application study in our practice. For this purpose, we had at our disposal the BodyLab system distributed by the Asclepion company as a medical device with CE approval.


This system is designed to use the innovative FMS technology to achieve muscle growth and related fat cell and weight reduction. The application of the neuromuscular stimulation caused by the BodyLab’s FMS is approved for the muscle parts of the treatment areas buttocks, abdomen, legs, hips and arms.


Due to the influence of the high-intensity electromagnetic impulses directed at the muscle part of the respective body region, a supramaximal contraction of the muscle fibers is triggered, which is also visible to an observer from the outside. The BodyLab has different programs and variable setting options for this purpose. These allow individual sequences of stimulation sequences and field strength amplitudes in order to create the conditions for the most effective application for the individual muscle regions, the present muscle status and the specific treatment goal. In addition, special amplitude rise times and pulse sequences are intended to avoid the development of microtraumatization of the muscle fibers and thus pronounced muscle soreness. This has been confirmed to the extent that the test subjects have reported no significant muscle discomfort.


This application report refers to the experiences made in our practice within the framework of a representative case study with several test persons. The case of a selected test person presented here reflects the results to a very good extent. In addition, due to her good temporal availability, the best conditions for the course of the study and the records, including photographs, were present in the case of this test person.


At the time of the first application, the test person was 43 years old, weighed 64.3 kg, was 168 cm tall and had an abdominal circumference of 86 cm. According to her data, she was on the 21st day of her cycle. The cycle day should be taken into account for the course of treatment, as it can be assumed that the cycle influences weight and metabolism. An increase in weight during the cycle may occur, for example, due to water retention and decreased metabolism due to changing hormone levels. In the case of our test person, there may be an increased average body weight based on her cycle day.

Fig. 1: Reduction of abdominal circumference after 8 treatments.

Body weight is a parameter that should not be neglected when considering the course of treatment, as a decrease or increase can have a correspondingly positive or negative influence on the success of the treatment with regard to the measured values determined and the patient’s perception.


We decided to treat the abdominal muscles of this patient. The prerequisites for a successful treatment were given due to her physical constitution and the existing BMI (target < 30).


Treatments for obese patients are not indicated. The treatment is not intended as a way to reduce obesity or larger areas of fat. This would create false expectations in patients and should be considered in the medical history and consultation.


A build-up of muscle would be visually limited under a subcutaneous fat layer. Likewise, the possible reduction of fat cells will be in proportion to a very high degree of adipose tissue. In addition, an increased distance of the applicators to the muscle causes a physically based reduction of the magnetic field, which can have an influence on the contraction of the muscle area and thus on the effectiveness of the treatment.



The test person received a total of 8 treatments with a program duration of approx. 30 minutes each at intervals of 3 – 5 days with the 2 applicators of the BodyLab placed on the abdomen. The treatment was always performed lying on the back. The applicators were fixed with flexible straps. The setting was varied with the standard programs included in the BodyLab “Massage” (2 treatments), “Shaping-Aerobic 2” (4 treatments) and “Strength 2” (2 treatments). The set power on the BodyLab was increased from initial 80% to 100%. The possible level of power to be set depends individually on the patient’s sensation and a “habituation or training effect” after a number of treatments. The power should be adjusted to the upper tolerance threshold during the individual treatment in consultation with the patients.


The subject discussed here already initially coped with high settings of the power of 80 – 100%. After completion of the 8 treatments and a period of exactly 4 weeks, the reduction of the abdominal circumference was 4 cm (initial measurement 86 cm, end 82 cm). Her weight changed only insignificantly during the entire period and was finally found to be 64.5 kg, which is approximately the same as the initial value of 64.3 kg. It can be assumed here that the reduced abdominal circumference is not due to a reduction in body weight (e.g. due to dieting or as a function of the menstrual cycle) but to a decrease in adipose tissue. This could also be perceived visually.

Fig. 2 and 3: The patient before and after 8 treatments (right and left).

The course of the changes in abdominal circumference and weight can be seen in Fig. 1: The test person reported already after the first 2 treatments that she felt a strengthening of the abdominal muscles, an improved posture and a visual tightening of the abdomen. The measurements of the abdominal circumference were able to confirm this subjective impression. The evaluation of the photos (Fig. 2 and 3 before/after) can also reflect the result, but not to a sufficiently obvious extent.


The photo series shows the course before the start of the treatments, after about 6 weeks and after 8 weeks. In the test person, a strengthening of the lateral abdominal muscles and a lift of the lower abdomen can be seen. A positive change was still evident a few weeks after the last treatment, which may be due to the muscle growth and an accompanying increase in metabolism and energy requirements. According to the information provided by Asclepion, the injury of fat cells by the treatment causes apoptosis, which leads to a reduction of fat cells. Furthermore, lipolysis within fat cells is reported. This is the reason for the reduction of fat tissue that takes place after the treatments, in addition to the muscle growth that was originally intended.


The observations and documentation within this application study are limited to the period of 8 weeks from the first treatment, therefore no prognosis of the future or sustained success of the treatments is available within this framework. The manufacturer Asclepion recommends, in order to maintain a visible result, at least one more treatment after approximately 3 to 6 months.

Address of Correspondence

Sevinc Haydarlioglu, MD
Goldbachstraße 2
DE-52066 Aachen


An application of FMS to increase the muscle volume, a reduction of fat tissue and a possible body lift in connection, has been perceived as an effective form of treatment according to the observations within the application period. This could be verified subjectively by the test persons and objectively by measured values and changes observed in pictures within the scope of this application study. It should be noted that the effective and perceived treatment success for the patient depends on his previous constitution, his behavior during the treatment (sports, diet) and his own expectations. This must be clarified in advance in an anamnesis and clarification.




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