Introduction Body sculpting using “Focused Magnetic Stimulation” (FMS or HIFEM “High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic”) is an innovative technology for a non-invasive body lift, which can be achieved through the tightening […]
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The network’s new needle roller, called SPEEDY, is one of the few products in this market segment that has received a medical CE to date. We warn against dubious suppliers who offer their products cheaply via Internet platforms (e.g. Amazon, Alibaba ).
– Net Sales +2.7%, benefiting from contribution of new businesses – Growth driven by Dermatology +13.3%, which now accounts for 43% of sales vs. 39% in Q1 15 – Product […]
The fear of contracting a disease was not as present for a long time as it has been since the first appearance of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in December last […]
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