7th Annual Meeting World Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Aug. 30th. – Sep. 1st 2018

Tuesday, August 28th


8:30am – 6:00pm Pre-Conference Cosmetic Breast Surgery Live-Hands-on Workshop


This live surgery workshop will cover Anatomy, surgical techniques and challenging cases in theory and in Practice. Augmentations will include the inframammary, transumbilical, transareolar and transaxillary approaches. Mammapexy, Lipotransfer and alternative methods will also be presented and performed.


Währinger Privatklinik
Kreuzgasse 17-19
Vienna, Austria

Course Director:
Dr. Artur Worseg

Heiko Renner, Austria
Gunther Arco, Austria
Robert Shumway, USA
Antonius Mangubat, USA
Sabine Maier, Austria
Peter Lisborg, Austria



Wednesday. August 29th


8:30am – 6:00pm Pre-Conference Cosmetic Breast Surgery Live-Hands-on Workshop


6:00pm WAOCS Board Meeting


8:00pm Faculty Dinner


Thursday, August 30th


8:30am – 6:00pm Educational Sessions and Live Patient Demonstrations


Liposuction, non-invasive & surgical Body Contouring, Cosmetic Breast Surgery, Laser & New Technolgies, Cellulite, Skin Tightening


7:00pm Welcome Cocktail and Presidential Address


8:30pm Waltz Dancing Lessons


Friday, August 31st


8:30am – 6:00pm Educational Sessions and Live Patient Demonstrations


Anti-Aging, Botox, Filler, non-invasive Rejuvenation, Facial Surgery, Stem Cell Lipotransfer, Rhinoplasty


6:00pm Viennese Evening in the wine hills


Saturday, September 1st


8:00am – 4:00pm Educational Sessions


Cosmetic Gynecology, non-surgical Facelift, Covas Lift


2:00pm Post-Conference Workshop Cosmetic Gynecology Surgery




Registration: Online www.waocs.org

WAOCS members:    Earlybird € 450,- (until March 15, 2018) then € 550,-

Non-members:           Earlybird € 600,- (until March 15, 2018) then € 700,-


Hotel Accommodation: Radisson Blu Park Royal Palace Hotel

Schloßallee 8, 1140 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 1 89110

Email: info.parkroyalpalace.vienna@radissonblu.com



A room contingency will be held until June 15, 2018 (ID WAOCS), many other nearby hotels available.


Further Information:

Exhibition and Workshops:
Douglas Grosse
Tel.:  +49(0)30 526 648 85
Fax: +49(0)30 526 671 91

Download Exhibition Information here


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